What if your pool filters get clogged?

The hotter days of summer are approaching , and you’re anxious to really sink your teeth into some pool maintenance. You may have even spoken with the local pool service company to discuss remodeling options for your swimming pool. But what happens if you go to use your pool one day and the filters are completely clogged?

Why does it happen?

TroubleFreePool.com explained that when your filter is brand new, water can easily pass through the system without issue. However, as the filter continues to do its job, debris can accumulate over time and slowly clog the system. As a result, pressure builds up within the filter and continues to rise if not cleaned. Typically, once the pressure nears 25 percent over standard levels, it’s time to clean out the filter. If neglected, a clogged filter can lead to reduced water flow and cloudy water.

How is it cleaned?

Two of the most common types of filters are cartridge and sand filters. Each has its own cleaning protocols, so it’s better to examine them separately for their respective steps.

  1. Cartridge: According to Inyo Pool Products, the first step to cleaning your filter is shutting off the pump to stop the flow of water. After, you’ll need to release the pressure in the filter by turning the air relief valve counter clockwise. As the readings on the gauge drop, some water will spray out of the valve – this is normal! Next, turn the locking knob of the filter cartridge counter clockwise until you feel the filter head loosen. After the cover is off, lift the cartridge straight up to remove it from the filter body. One of the easiest ways to directly clean the cartridge filter is by setting it on your lawn and spraying it down with a hose. Continue to spray it up and down while rotating the cartridge to ensure that all debris is cleared. Spend extra time on the bottom part, as much of the materials in the filter will have collected down there during cleaning. Once you’re finished, simply place it back inside the filter body and it’s all set.
  2. Sand: According to TroubleFreePool.com, most of these types of filters will have a valve that’s used for cleaning the debris. Whenever you’re trying to change the position of this valve, it’s important that you shut the pump off – or you run the risk of damaging your entire system. First, make sure that any valves on the waste line are open and that the discharge hose is aiming where you want the dirty water to go. Once the pump is off, move the lever to the area labeled “backwash” and switch the pump on. The water will run clear momentarily, get dirty and then become clear again. When it does, turn off the pump and turn the lever to “filter” and run the pump for another 15 seconds. Repeat the backwash cycle and you’re set until the filter needs to be cleaned again!