3 Reasons You Might Feel Sick After Swimming in a Pool
- February 29, 2024
- News & Insights,
Have you ever gotten out of the pool and felt a little off? What if it wasn’t just some water in your ears? If you’re in pain or feel sick after getting out of the water, you might be experiencing more than normal fatigue that follows a workout. Here are three explanations that could sum up why you’re feeling under the weather after a swim.
1. Tummy and ear aches
One of the more common post-swimming aches is the ear. If you feel throbbing or sharp pains, you might have contracted a recreational waterborne illness. This could also be the case if you’re running to the bathroom right when you get out of the water. Stomach and ear aches are just some signs of an RWI. People get them in the first place from germs that exist from other people in the water, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Typically chlorine kills bacteria, however, it doesn’t take care of everything. Some germs, like Crypto, are tolerant to pool chemicals. Each time someone gets in the pool, the pH of their body alters the chlorine levels in the water. If the chlorine levels are below or above what they should be, then you could be at a greater risk for an RWI. Don’t let your chlorine levels get out of control, have them balanced regularly. If you live out west, Fort Worth or Phoenix pool service professionals can take of this for you.
2. Muscle cramps and pains
Another type of soreness that has nothing to do with chlorine are muscle cramps and pains. These are quite common, as USA Swimming reported that around 95 percent of the general population cramp up after a workout.
If you typically get cramps after a swim, it could be that you’re not stretching properly. Be sure to dedicate a few minutes to flex and contract your legs, arms, neck, back and abdominal muscles before and after every swim.
Muscle cramps and pains could also be a sign that you’re dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids while you’re out in the sun and especially when you’re exercising. Swimming USA indicated that foods rich in potassium can reduce the risk of cramps. Every Day Health pointed out that a potassium deficiency can cause your muscles to weaken. Snack on some apricots or peaches while you’re by the pool if you’d like to get more potassium – don’t forget your water bottle!
3. Dizzy and lack of coordination
The U.S. National Library of Medicine explained that dehydration can occur if you lose too much body fluid. It can be difficult to know how much you’re sweating when you’re swimming in the pool, which is why you should be especially careful. If you get out of the pool and you’re really thirsty, you have a dry mouth and you feel lightheaded, it could mean that your body needs fluids.
If you suspect that you’re dehydrated, drink water or a beverage with electrolytes right away. You can also try sucking on an ice cube, suggested the source. Dehydration can lead to serious medical problems if left untreated. Don’t wait until it’s too late, drink plenty of water and take breaks from swimming when you get tired.
Understanding what your body is telling you is a great way to stay safe and healthy while you swim. If you’re not feeling well, be sure to get the medical attention that you need before you get back in the pool. Reduce your chances of getting ill by enlisting the help of pool services like Fort Worth of Phoenix pool service professionals. A clean pool means a healthier you.